De Tijger Brigade op Midden Java 1946 - 1949

3-7th Infantry Regiment

The 3-7th Infantry Regiment was raised on 1st July 1946 in 's-Hertogenbosch and consisted of conscripts from the year 1945. It was only supposed to be used as a guard unit but although it only had a short training period and was lightly equipped. It ended up being put into action as a common infantry battalion. It left for Dutch East India on 15th October 1946 onboard “Kota Baroe”. And arrived in Semarang on 22nd November 1946.
On 27th December 1946 the 3-7th Infantry Regiment took over positions along the eastern and western Bandjirkanaal, the habour area eastern and southern border of Semarang. The 4th company was attached to 2-13th Infantry Regiment at de Gombel.
In March 1947 the 3-7th Infantry Regiment took over the guarding of the airfield Kalibanteng. And during the 1st Police Action 3rd company seized Bedono and 4th company the Toentangcentrale on 22nd July 1947. On 29th July 1st and 2nd company took over Kaliwoenggoe from 2-6th Infantry Regiment and cleared the area. While 4th and 5th company took over Midjen and Tjankin from 1st Regiment Stoottroepen.
After the 1st Police Action the 3-7th Infantry Regiment where placed around Oengaran and Ambarawa with positions in among others Banjoebiroe, Bedono and Soemoewono where it participated in different clearing operations. On 7th September the TNI attacked Ambarawa and Soemoewong but was repulsed. On 11th September the 3-7th Infantry Regiment took over the area formerly secured by 4th Guarde Regiment Princess Irene with positions in Mranggen, Demak and Goeboeg.
There was a lot of unrest in this area. First of all on the road Dempet-Goeboeg was very bloody because it often come under fire. On 30th September 1947 the 5th company was disbanded and distributed among the rest of the battalion. After a reorganisation in November 1947 the battalion’s area of responsibility was made smaller in a line north of Mranggen-Meteseh. With new energy the 3-7th Infantry Regiment started to operate again like on 26th November 1947 east of Dempet. And on 11th January 1948 the 3-7th Infantry Regiment area of responsibility was widened to the south. On 10th March 1948 the 3-7th Infantry Regiment was transferred to Semarang and posted as division reserve. As such it was put into action among others at Kedoengdjati and Soekamangli and with success at Poerwokerto, Boekatedja and Poerbalingga in the area of the V-Brigade. In November 1948 the 3-7th Infantry Regiment was stationed in the Demak sector. To prepare against the infiltration of communist forces expected to come from eastern Java.
During the 2nd Police Action the 3-7th Infantry Regiment advanced on Rembang via Karanganjar and Koedoes, which was seized on 20th December after heavy fighting. Then followed because of a lot of roadblocks a difficult advance to Tjepoe, which was reached in the evening on 23rd December 1948. After this action the 3-7th Infantry Regiment was stationed around Rembang, Blora en Tjepoe and the area was cleared after which it become very peacefully. On 25th October 1949 the 3-7th Infantry Regiment was relieved and moved to Koedoes. Via Semarang it moved to Batavia to prepare for its repatriation leaving onboard “Sibajak” on 29th November 1949 and arriving in the Netherlands on 28th December 1949.